Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Fifth Week of Our Mission

Sister Frost in the Lobby of the Joseph Memorial Building
July 4th Celebration with the Sisters
Sisters Preparing a Special 4th of July Dance
Three Special Couples Interested in the Gospel at the "Music and the Spoken Word"

Fifth Week of Our Mission
Salt Lake Temple Square Mission
July 8, 2013

Well, here it is the month of July and we have been on our mission for over thirty days!  Time has passed quickly and we are feeling more comfortable each day as we go outside of ourselves to meet and greet people.  We have had some great experiences this week in this regard.

First of all we heard from Mimi and Rick White who we met two weeks ago on Temple Square.  Well, they and their family are taking the discussions back in Lexington, Kentucky.  We contacted the missionaries there and we will help in any way to reinforce the discussions with them.  We are excited and hope we had a small part in their recommitment to learn more about the gospel.  It certainly was a special experience in getting to know them because we felt it was a small miracle when we saw them twice on Temple Square and retrieved lost information.  We are praying that they will continue learning and growing in gospel learning.

This week we honored the 4th of July.  In our hearts we missed our July 4th celebrations in Star Valley, but we have such good memories of our time there which will never fade.   This year our celebration centered around our wonderful country with our dear sister missionaries.  We had such a good time getting together with them eating hotdogs and watermelon and having a talent show.  We have some gifted sisters here and through song and dance they paid tribute to the USA!  Temple Square was closed that night and the activity didn’t end until after 10:00 pm.  Let the good times roll!

We had a great discussion with three couples today.  They were originally from Scotland and Wales but now live in the United States.   Taggart met up with them in the Tabernacle and went with them to various sites.  Kimm stayed in the Tabernacle and didn’t join them until after the organ recital.  They were so open to gospel discussions that it was a pleasure to be with them several hours.  We were able to share Books of Mormon and Family Declarations at the end of the visit.  They too, while leaving said, “It isn’t by chance we met today.”  Even though they were strong in their own faiths the spirit had a very positive influence upon them and Taggart bore a strong testimony regarding families and being together forever.  Hopefully, we can hear from them again.

Also, we were able to see the Brian Sims Family from Iowa and go out to dinner with them.  Much to our surprise they were in the crowd ready to enter the Tabernacle for the organ recital.  It is so joyful to us to see old friends again and get caught up on their lives.  Also, today, Brother D. Todd Christofferson from the Quorum of the Twelve was spotted at the organ recital.  Taggart was able to shake his hand but Kimm just saw him from afar.  What excitement to be on Temple Square and have so many great opportunities.


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