Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Second Week of Our Mission

Second Week - 2nd District at the MTC

Second Week - Our New Home
Love for Sister Frost from the Sister Missionaries
Our Mission the 2nd Week
Salt Lake Temple Square Mission
June 16, 2013
 We had another half week of training at the MTC for those that were at visitor’s centers.  There were only ten of us in our group, one couple going to Kirtland, another to Nauvoo, still other to Martin’s Cove and the last to Mexico City.  Our trainers, Elder and Sister Mitchell were completing their mission and so our training was the last they would do.  We did a lot of role playing but more importantly we both realized it was the spirit that would be guiding and touching the lives of the people we come in contact with. Elder Mitchell was a spiritual powerhouse very humble but very close to the spirit.  Again we had tears every now and then.  The MTC is a place like no other, a sacred place where the spirit is in abundance. Our “final exam” was a full-fledged contact with a supposed couple at a visitor’s center.  We spent 20 minutes greeting and teaching.  It went rather well, but we realized again that the spirit has to be our guide in what we do and say and we need to listen to those we come in contact with.  We hated to say goodbye to our group and especially the Murray’s who were going to Nauvoo.  We had a lot of interaction with them and of course we always wanted to serve in Nauvoo…..Taggart driving the wagon, Kimm dancing and singing in the evenings.  They were going to be doing both of those things!
We officially moved into our apartment on Friday bringing the last of our possessions from Ogden.  Our apartment is pleasant with good sun in the mornings.  In fact out of our window is the graveyard for Heber C. Kimball and his family and Newell K Whitney and his family.  Yesterday groups of people were milling around the cemetery taking pictures.  Also, from our window above the trees is the Church Office Building. We do live in a very historic spot with so much to see and do.  Kimm unfortunately had started to get sick on Monday and it continued to get worse as the week progressed.  Therefore after meeting the President on Friday, she had to go home to rest.  Unfortunately, it wasn’t the best week for her, but Taggart continued to learn as he went to Temple Square every day.  He went and listened and saw many of the exhibits and talked to people.   Of course, this is the time of year when people are on vacation and youth groups are all visiting the Square so there is a lot of meeting and greeting.  We are continuing to study and learn sometimes feeling overwhelmed but knowing the Lord will make up the difference for what we lack.
Sunday was Father’s Day and Taggart went without Kimm to church at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building (she was still sick).  He was touched when the sisters presented shell leis and candy to all the fathers, six men total.  They sang “Called to Serve” and it touched all of them present.  Speaking of being touched, the sisters knowing that Kimm was ill decorated their apartment door with hearts and good wishes for her to get better.

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