Thursday, December 26, 2013

Twenty Ninth Week
Salt Lake Temple Square Mission
December 22, 2013


Pretending to lead the Choir and Orchestra in the Conference Center

 We had quite the excitement this week with tours of the Tabernacle and Conference Center organs.  As missionaries we were led behind the organs and saw their insides.  It was quite the experience, crawling and climbing through their inners.  We were also able to touch the keys to the organs and even play them.  Who can say that they played Chopsticks or Mary Had a Little Lamb on the Tabernacle organ?  We did!

Sister Frost and the Tabernacle Organ
Elder and Sister Frost on the bench of the Conference
Center Organ
Elder Frost and the Tabernacle Organ

We forgot to mention a happening that occurred the week before.  As we were preparing for our Sacrament Meeting, who should walk in but Quentin L. Cook, an apostle of the Lord.  What a thrill for all of us especially for those speaking or nerve racking for those speaking.  One sister forgetting he was there blurted out that her favorite apostle was Jeffrey R. Holland and then tried to cover up the comment.  He just sat and laughed by what she had said. 

This week we also had the privilege of going to the Relief Society Building and listening to our General Relief Society President, Sister Linda K. Burton.  I was so impressed with her humility and lovely spirit.  The sisters were able to share experiences from women they admire.  Again, I am always amazed by these sister’s backgrounds and what they have sacrificed to be on their missions.  They are my heroes.

We took Cesar out to dinner this week and got caught up on his comings and goings.  Again, he always amazes us with his spiritual maturity.  He loves the Church and has really immersed himself into every aspect of the Gospel.  We saw him again today and we traded Christmas presents.  He handed us a three foot tower of candy and had handmade a nativity set for us, which we haven’t opened yet.    Our love for him continues to grow.

Our beautiful Temple
We have been very busy again this week in preparation for Christmas.  We have been given assignments to prepare for this special day.  Many wonderful people and organizations have donated items to be given to the sisters at this time.  Next week we will fill stockings to the brim and the special activities will officially begin.  We will be going to April’s house on Christmas morning and then spend Christmas Eve and Christmas day with these very special sisters.  This will be the last Christmas for our mission President and his wife because they will be leaving the middle of January.  We will miss them so!

Our Asia Sisters - their first
experience with snow
Sister Frost doing a snow angel
We had a snow day this week.  Because there had been drizzling rain in the morning and then snow in the afternoon, Temple Square was a skating rink.  The personnel could not keep up with keeping it clear and deiced, therefore they closed the Square.   The sisters went wild, snowmen were made and hot chocolate was drunk in abundance.  We were all childlike.

A cold wintery day on Temple Square

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful picture of the temple. Avery could play jingle bells on that organ:) Love hearing all of your experiences.
