Thursday, December 26, 2013

Twenty Ninth Week
Salt Lake Temple Square Mission
December 22, 2013


Pretending to lead the Choir and Orchestra in the Conference Center

 We had quite the excitement this week with tours of the Tabernacle and Conference Center organs.  As missionaries we were led behind the organs and saw their insides.  It was quite the experience, crawling and climbing through their inners.  We were also able to touch the keys to the organs and even play them.  Who can say that they played Chopsticks or Mary Had a Little Lamb on the Tabernacle organ?  We did!

Sister Frost and the Tabernacle Organ
Elder and Sister Frost on the bench of the Conference
Center Organ
Elder Frost and the Tabernacle Organ

We forgot to mention a happening that occurred the week before.  As we were preparing for our Sacrament Meeting, who should walk in but Quentin L. Cook, an apostle of the Lord.  What a thrill for all of us especially for those speaking or nerve racking for those speaking.  One sister forgetting he was there blurted out that her favorite apostle was Jeffrey R. Holland and then tried to cover up the comment.  He just sat and laughed by what she had said. 

This week we also had the privilege of going to the Relief Society Building and listening to our General Relief Society President, Sister Linda K. Burton.  I was so impressed with her humility and lovely spirit.  The sisters were able to share experiences from women they admire.  Again, I am always amazed by these sister’s backgrounds and what they have sacrificed to be on their missions.  They are my heroes.

We took Cesar out to dinner this week and got caught up on his comings and goings.  Again, he always amazes us with his spiritual maturity.  He loves the Church and has really immersed himself into every aspect of the Gospel.  We saw him again today and we traded Christmas presents.  He handed us a three foot tower of candy and had handmade a nativity set for us, which we haven’t opened yet.    Our love for him continues to grow.

Our beautiful Temple
We have been very busy again this week in preparation for Christmas.  We have been given assignments to prepare for this special day.  Many wonderful people and organizations have donated items to be given to the sisters at this time.  Next week we will fill stockings to the brim and the special activities will officially begin.  We will be going to April’s house on Christmas morning and then spend Christmas Eve and Christmas day with these very special sisters.  This will be the last Christmas for our mission President and his wife because they will be leaving the middle of January.  We will miss them so!

Our Asia Sisters - their first
experience with snow
Sister Frost doing a snow angel
We had a snow day this week.  Because there had been drizzling rain in the morning and then snow in the afternoon, Temple Square was a skating rink.  The personnel could not keep up with keeping it clear and deiced, therefore they closed the Square.   The sisters went wild, snowmen were made and hot chocolate was drunk in abundance.  We were all childlike.

A cold wintery day on Temple Square

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Twenty Eighth Week
Salt Lake Temple Square Mission
December 15, 2013

Picture of the Temple from the second
floor of the Joseph
Smith Memorial Building
 Christmas is fast approaching.  How fun it has been for us to be here at this time of the year because there are so many gala and spiritual events.  But most importantly, the spirit resides on the Square and you can feel Christmas.  Last week was very hectic in the evenings with families everywhere, long lines to the Christus, photographs in abundance, but despite the chaos it was enjoyable.  To be outside with the lights and hot chocolate in hand was a joy never to be forgotten.

Sister Frost and the Singletons
Speaking of events this week the Christmas Concert was held in the Conference Center.  We had an opportunity to go Thursday night along with our friends, the Singletons and our son-in-law, Ken.  Spectacular is the only word to describe what we saw.  Deborah Voigt and John Rhys-Davies were the guest performers this year and they did a fantastic job.  A salute to Dickens’, A Christmas Carol, was performed as the cast members flew through the air.  We had a great time Thursday, but Sunday we waited in the standby line and got in again.  This time our seats were in the balcony and wow what a view we had.  We’ve determined we like the balcony better than the plaza seating.  The performance was not only entertaining but very uplifting and spiritual.  We hope our friends, the Singletons, could feel that as they came.

President Gillette standing and Elder and Sister Clarke
are seated behind him
This week we also had the opportunity to have Elder Don R. Clarke of the Seventy come for a “mission tour.”  For three days he was with us giving instruction to the mission.  He enlightened our minds with his words and after his visit everyone vowed to be better missionaries and hasten the work.  Along with his speaking, a luncheon was held each day in which I was intimately involved.  A good sister in Salt Lake had volunteered to buy food and put together the menu.  I was her sidekick for those three days.  Interestingly, Elder Clarke called Taggart and I to the front of the room and thanked us for our missionary service.  He then told us that our family would be blessed because of our service.  The Holy Ghost confirmed to me that there might be hard times but indeed we would be blessed.

We also had the opportunity to have a first discussion with Jason, our latest missionary contact.  To begin our discussion we asked him to share his story with us.  He grew up in China under the Mao Regime.  Needless to say, his life was not very pleasant because his father was imprisoned for nine years.  He was only released when his mother, a physician, was sent to the country to practice and at that time her husband was able to go with her.  He has very little knowledge of our Savior and so we will have to take it very slow.  We asked if we could pray and he didn’t know what prayer was.  We look forward with great anticipation to the next discussion.  However, this will not occur until after Christmas because he will be joining his family in Canada for the holidays.

Three glorious pictures of Temple Square

As always, we are grateful for the time we have here.  We can’t believe that we have been here almost seven months.  Time is flying by and we know as Taggart always says, “We need to make the most of time before the most of time is gone.”  Our goal for the next several months is to do our best and lengthen our stride.  This time for us will never come again.



Saturday, December 14, 2013

Twenty Seventh Week
Salt Lake Temple Square Mission
December 8, 2013

Our neighbors at the Savior of the World - Tom, Becky, Matt,
Sharon, Amy, Sister and Elder Frost
Dinner with friends at the Garden Restaurant with a view of the Temple
There are such wonderful events here on Temple Square at Christmas time and one of them is the production entitled “Savior of the World”.  We went to this play weeks ago, but we were able to go again with our neighbors from Ogden.  Several of them are non-members and so this was a wonderful experience for them.  It was a time to strengthen them and for them to realize the importance of our Savior, Jesus Christ, His birth and resurrection.  Our hope is that we can be examples to them and perhaps share our beliefs in some way, even via this beautiful musical.

Our Jenny in the South Visitor's Center with the Temple
in the background
We had an unexpected treat of having Jenny come for a visit this week.  Even though she was staying with our daughter, April, we got to see her momentarily.  We will miss our family Christmas celebration this year and of course our grandchildren, but we look forward to spending time with our mission family.  There are many things to be done to prepare ourselves for the Christmas celebrations here.  Perhaps January will bring a slow down for us, but right now we are so very busy.


Today was special because Taggart was able to ordain Cesar to the Aaronic Priesthood.  It is incredible to us to see how far Cesar has come over the past few weeks.  We had invited him to another activity on Temple Square but he couldn’t go because he was going to be doing missionary work and be with the Elders.  Wonderful!  He met Jenny while she was here and told her he was her long lost baby brother.  We really do feel like he should be part of our family.

We are excited because Taggart met a man this week who wants to take the discussions.  We had been praying to find another contact.  Taggart met Jason on the Square and invited him to the organ recital.  It was there that they talked and he was very interested in learning more about the Church because he works with so many people that are LDS.  He is from China, working in Utah with a family in Canada.  We have set up an appointment for next Saturday and we hope against hope that he will receptive to the spirit and the Doctrine of Christ.

Elder and Sister Frost in the Beehive House
Some pictures of the Square during this special time of year.

The beautiful Christmas tree in the lobby
of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building
A wondrous  Christmas day on Temple Square

A beautiful view of the Temple


Monday, December 9, 2013

Twenty Sixth Week
Salt Lake Temple Square Mission
December 1, 2013

Elder and Sister Frost, Sister Seppi (wife of a counselor to
President Gillette) serving the dinner.
This was the week of Thanksgiving, a time to pause and show our gratefulness for all of our blessings.  We held quite the celebration in the mission.  We rented a facility called “Noahs” which had many rooms where various activities could go on at the same time.  The sisters celebrated by line dancing, skating (yes, ice skating), watching movies, playing walleyball, pool, and various and assorted other games, doing crafts or just relaxing.  Of course, we had the traditional turkey dinner which was catered.  All the senior couples and the mission presidency dished out the food and so we didn’t eat until everyone had been served.  Luckily, the food held out except for corn, so we had quite the feast.   Most of the sisters had never experienced
Sisters ice skating on Thanksgiving at a place called Noahs
a Thanksgiving dinner before so it was quite a cultural shock to them……..especially tasting dressing and cranberry sauce.  We also presented a skit where the president and the senior couples played pilgrims, Indians, and assorted turkeys.  There was a lot of laughing and fun.  Because we had been given the assignment of decorating we spent a great deal of time pulling together all the decorations including getting thirty pumpkins and assorted gourds.  But, it was well worth it!

Prior to Thanksgiving Day we held another Transfer Conference.  Time is just whizzing by and we couldn’t believe that another transfer was occurring.  It is so difficult to say goodbye to sisters that we love and bid adieu to those that are going outbound.  We also greeted twenty-four new incoming sisters.  I know that we have mentioned this before, but just when you start feeling comfortable with everyone, knowing their names etc., you have to start all over again.  Interestingly, all the new sisters are from various parts of the world, but there are none from the United States.
Taggart was privileged to go on a VIP tour with Jewish leaders from various parts of the world this week.  Included in the group were Rabbi Noam Marans and President Stan Bergman of the American Jewish Committee.  Elder Larry Gibson, 1st Counselor in the YM General Presidency, also joined them.  He was a privilege for him to tag along and answer various questions regarding Temple Square.  They seemed very impressed by what they saw and according to Elder Gibson donated a large amount of money to our humanitarian effort. 

Since Thanksgiving is over, we begin the Christmas Season.  The lights on Temple Square were lit the day after Thanksgiving and it was wild……wall to wall people.   It seemed like everyone in the valley was on Temple Square.  The beauty of the surroundings was phenomenal.  It looked like a fairyland out of a storybook.  It is truly magical to be here at Christmas and feel the warmth and love that emanates from this sacred place.  To honor our Savior, Jesus Christ, is what this holiday is all about and we are glad to be surrounded by images of Him and His birth.






Saturday, November 30, 2013

Twenty Fifth Week
Salt Lake Temple Square Mission
November 24, 2013

This week was filled with music!  “The Bells on Temple Square” concert was presented and we were able to attend.  I had tried to sign up for tickets online but was unsuccessful and so at the Organ Recital I met up with one of the participants in the Bell Choir.  She graciously gave me some tickets, so we were able to go.  Many people were there and it was lovely, but we really prefer the Tabernacle Choir and its performances.  Also, we went to another event that was interfaith in nature.  Mark Burnett (producer of “Survivor” and “The Voice”) and his wife Roma Downey (star of “Touched By An Angel”) are greatly involved with the Christian movement and Bible study.  They were there reading scriptures and various choirs throughout the community participated.  Elder D. Todd Christofferson also participated and gave some opening remarks.  The concert was to reinforce the concept of daily Bible study and Christian values.  We so appreciate those that are faith oriented and Mark Burnett and Roma Downey who make good movies and films.  They are currently the producers of a new movie coming in the spring entitled “Son of God.”

We also had an opportunity to go to a missionary devotional where Cesar spoke.  He is absolutely amazing to us and his commitment to the Gospel.  It was a very faith promoting fireside with newly converted young men participating, including Cesar.  He has such a strong testimony of the Gospel and we are so proud of him.  Today, he returned to Temple Square with great news, his bishop called him to be a ward missionary!  Just think, one month ago he was a non-member.

The Village in Africa
We continue to search for another individual to teach.  As we mentioned before, we go to the Call Center and get on LDS chat there.  It is really an interesting experience for us because most often people are not sincere and just plugging in various questions for us to answer with no real interest in the Church.  However, there is one missionary, Sister George on Temple Square, who had a different story.  She met a man from Africa on chat and began to teach him.  He was converted to the Church but lived in a small village there.  He went to a larger city within the country and was given Books of Mormon to take home with him.  He went back to his village gave out the Books of Mormon and converted all that lived there.  Now a branch is being organized in that area.  You have to weed out many to find the one!  What an amazing story.


This week we did write a letter to Tressa in hopes that she would respond to us.  However, several days have gone by and still there is no response from her.  We know that all missionaries have these experiences of losing golden contacts, but for us it is a tragedy because she was embracing everything we said.  Hopefully the spirit will convey to her the need to repent and be baptized.  She is always in our prayers.

Because we are celebrating Thanksgiving with the sisters, we went to April’s house for a pre-Thanksgiving dinner.   Ken’s mother was there visiting because little Derek had his tonsils out this week and she was helping April.  Also, Ken picked up Becky so she could be with us too.   We had our traditional dinner, with turkey and all the trimmings.  Thanksgiving is really not Thanksgiving without some of the usual fixings.  This next Thursday we will have a Thanksgiving to remember because two hundred people will be attending (all the sisters and senior couples).  There will be much to write on this subject after the event.

"Music and the Spoken Word"
Sisters who are leaving the Mission
In attendance was President Monson


Our Zone on a Sunday morning at the South Visitor's Center
One last word…….We went to “Music and the Spoken Word” today as usual but today President Monson was in attendance.  What a thrill to be near a Prophet of God.  We are just sooooo lucky to be serving in such a special place!

















Saturday, November 23, 2013

Twenty Fourth Week
Salt Lake Temple Square Mission
November 17, 2013

Our good brother in the gospel - Cesar
What a wonderful week this has been for us.  On Saturday Cesar was baptized!  The baptism took place in the evening and I was given the opportunity to give a talk on the Holy Ghost.  Interestingly, I felt he would ask me to speak on the Holy Ghost but he didn’t ask me until the day before.  I had to scurry to prepare the talk.  Two sister missionaries came with us because they have been working with Cesar’s mother on learning more about the Gospel.  She speaks Spanish and the sisters could communicate to her where we can’t.  We have hopes that she will accept the Gospel too because Cesar is certainly a fine example to her.  His whole family attended the baptism and they were very supportive.  On Sunday, we went to his new ward and Taggart confirmed him.  Through Taggart the Lord gave him a wonderful blessing.  If we don’t have another baptism this mission will have been worth it because we found Cesar.  He bore his testimony and it was so powerful especially for a newly converted member.  He will have a great influence on so many.  The next day he sent a text to us expressing his appreciation and support and love.  We certainly want to keep him in our lives.

Our beautiful Sisters!!!
On Tuesday the sisters presented in the Assembly Hall a musical fireside.  What talent we have in this mission!  The Assembly Hall was packed to full capacity and the presentation was received by a standing ovation.  The spirit was so strong and I truly believe there was an extra measure of help from Heavenly Father given to those girls because they exceeded their expectations.  But, I am glad it is behind us because the sisters were so tired after so many early morning practices.

An amazing musical number!!!
Dress Rehearsal for "Savior of the World"
We also had a wonderful opportunity to go to the dress rehearsal for “Savior of the World”, a presentation in the Little Theatre at the Conference Center.  We have seen it several times before, but it never gets old.  Especially at this time of year, it is important to reflect on Christ’s birth and resurrection as presented in this drama.  As we contemplated what we had seen it is our desire, like those in this presentation, to really rejoice in Christ’s life and resurrection.  We have hopes that our neighbors the Kaschmeders will come this holiday season and enjoy it with Becky.

We continue to reach out to Tressa, but she is not communicating with us.  She has a testimony of the Gospel but is in an awkward circumstance that needs to change.  We hope against hope that we will hear from her soon.

Sister Frost in front of the Beehive House
As the holidays approach our schedule and the sisters becomes more packed with various activities.  With Thanksgiving approaching soon and Christmas not far behind, it will be crazy for the next few weeks.  We can’t wait for the lights to be turned on the day after Thanksgiving.  They are already testing them here and there and they are spectacular!  As we have mentioned many times before this is a four month process to put up the lights and displays.  We can’t wait for the final product. 





Monday, November 11, 2013

Twenty Third Week
Salt Lake Temple Square Mission
November 10, 2013

A Beautiful Fall Day
What a beautiful day, sunshine and blue skies.  Earlier this week it snowed for the first time and temperatures dipped into the twenties and now warmth and sweater weather again.  We wonder how long this will last.  The sisters eager to wear their fall/winter clothes broke out their boots, scarfs and coats this week.  About March they will be very anxious to be wearing springlike clothes again.
We went home for P-day this week.  Dentists and doctors occupied our time while we were there.   Also, we were anxious to bring back Christmas items to decorate our little apartment.  It will be quite different this year without a full-fledged Christmas in our home, but we have Temple Square with all its decorations and beauty.  In fact, this week they finished stringing the lights on all the trees and starting putting up poinsettias around the visitor’s centers.  Also two very large lighted trees were installed on the grounds.  We think sometimes that all of this is premature but really Thanksgiving is around the corner.

Our District within our Zone
We were asked to speak in our zone this week.  Our topic was “Our Missionary Calling.”  It was decided that we would bring back our missionary call letter from home and read it.  Actually it was quite emotional for us to do so.  I think sometimes we don’t realize that we truly are representatives of Jesus Christ.  As such, we have certain responsibilities to uphold.  I think each day we are asking ourselves if we are doing enough.  Hopefully, we instilled within the sisters a desire to again reread their call and take it to heart.

Cesar in the Tabernacle
The excitement this week was teaching Cesar twice.  Again, as was mentioned before, he is an amazing young man.  He is constantly teaching us.  Tonight we were to talk about tithing and one question we asked of him was if he knew anything about tithing.  This one question triggered a whole discourse from him.  All we had to do was to say “amen” to what he said.  He is going to be baptized this next Saturday and be confirmed on Sunday.  He asked Taggart to do the confirming which is really an honor for him.  He is also having such an impact on his family.  Each night he teaches his mother about the gospel and actually she defended the Church at her Catholic services when a priest was out of line saying something derogatory about the Church.  We have hopes that because of his influence she and others in the family will eventually join the Church.

Our Beautiful Tablernace
We had an interesting experience at the Organ Recital on Wednesday.  As the recital begins we don’t allow anyone to come into the Tabernacle until after a number is completed.  The guests need to stay in the Observation Room.  On Wednesday four men came into the Observation Room and I told them they could not enter the Tabernacle until after the first number.  As I looked at the faces of the gentlemen, I realized I knew one of them but couldn’t place him.  Taggart came to the rescue and knew that it was Rick Santorum, a Republican Presidential Candidate, who had run against Mitt Romney.  Taggart talked with him for a moment and thanked him for his high standards.  He told Taggart that he was working with the Church in a media capacity with an organization he belongs to.  He shook our hands and went on his way.  Quite exciting!

Practice in the Assembly Hall
We are again terribly busy.  The sisters have been practicing for months to put on a musical fireside in the Assembly Hall coming up this Tuesday.  So, for the past several days we have been getting up very early to run through all their numbers.  There is such great musical talent among the sisters, so it should be a wonderful program.  Cesar and the local missionaries will be attending so we look forward to that.  We all will be singing one number “Called to Serve” while holding our countries flags.  It is quite emotional for me, so I hope I don’t cry. 












Saturday, November 9, 2013

Twenty Second Week
Salt Lake Temple Square Mission
November 3, 2013

We are already in November and the holidays are fast approaching.   In our senior couple’s meeting this week we were correlating all the activities for November and December and we will be busy every moment.  Consequently there will be very few P-days.  We are finding that the time is going by so quickly and soon we will be one third way through our mission.  So, we must remember to make every moment count.

As was mentioned last week, Elder Oakes came to see us on Monday along with his wife.  They both shared the pulpit and bantered back and forth with each other and to us.  He oftentimes seems so stern and stiff when addressing us in conference, but on this day he really opened up, joked and was so natural.  They shared their testimonies of the Gospel along with answering questions the sisters had.  One thing that really stood out in our minds is when he told us to testify of what you know and don’t worry about what you don’t know.  Just have faith!  At the end of the meeting he shook all the sister’s hands.  When we approached him, Taggart reminded him that he had come to his office when he finished his Ph.D. at BYU and thanked him for his great education.  (He was President of BYU at that time.)  He appreciated that memory and was grateful for his time at that institution.

Sister Frost with her cousin Paul
 I also had the opportunity this week to go to the temple for my aunt, Dona, who is my dad’s sister.  My cousin, Paul, had asked her children if it would be all right to do this work for her and they consented.  Anyway, Paul was there and we were able to talk and get reacquainted.  I am hopeful that Dona will accept this ordinance because it would be wonderful to have a united family in the Gospel.  For myself, I felt a warm feeling emanating through my body during the endowment.  Hopefully this was a sign that she would accept this work.


Our Beautiful Sisters on Halloween
The Howells (Office Couple), Curtises, & Frosts
This week was Halloween and we had quite the party for the sisters.  Temple Square was closed at 5:00 PM and the sisters gathered together for dinner and a movie.  During the week I made nine dozen cookies for them along with other full time and part time senior couples.  They really eat a lot of food!  As we were cleaning up after the dinner some of the sisters just wanted to talk rather than go to the movie, so we got an opportunity to answer questions from them.  With so many of the questions we reminded them of Elder Oakes advice, testify of what you do know and don’t worry about what you don’t know.  Many of these sisters want to know the mysteries.  At some point we may be able to understand the mysteries, but not at this time.

Sister Frost in the Beehive House
Temple Square is gearing up for Christmas.  The lights are almost completely distributed on the trees and they are starting to decorate the buildings.  As we went to the Beehive House on Friday the Christmas tree was being decorated and looking so beautiful!  It will be fun to see all the Christmas beauty around us for these next two months.  As for ourselves, we will bring one of our small trees to our apartment and decorate it.  It wouldn’t be Christmas without a tree and lights.


We are concerned about Tressa.  We know that she wants to be baptized, but needs to repent and this is a stumbling block for her.  She is constantly in our thoughts and prayers, but we still have hope that everything will be resolved in her behalf.   Cesar is still going strong.  We had a discussion with him and the elders this last week and of course it was wonderful.  He is embracing all that is taught and wants to learn more and more.  In fact, he is so enthusiastic about everything that he is teaching us, sharing with us what he studies, views or feels.  It is a delight to have someone so excited about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and want to live its teachings.