Thursday, June 19, 2014

Utah Salt Lake Temple Square Mission
June 15, 2014

The Fountain in front of the Church Office Building
This has been quite the week, one of the busiest we have had on our mission.  Because the Curteses have been gone, we had to pick up our assignments plus theirs.  But to make matters more complex, Taggart has had terrible pain in his back.  He was trying desperately to keep up the pace but he felt miserable.  Hopefully he can be diagnosed and we can get to the root of the pain and something can be done for him.

Taggart had an interesting experience on Thursday.  As he was rushing from one hospitality tour to another, a car stopped on South Temple and a lady came rushing out.  She came up to Taggart thinking he was Dallin H. Oakes.  Apparently she was good friends to his wife and she just wanted to say “hi.”  This has happened several times being mistaken for the apostle.

We have had numerous tours this week, people from all over the world.  The Chinese love to take pictures of everything and so are always stopping here and there.  The Australians and English are a little standoffish and don’t ask a lot of questions, but the French ask every kind of question, they are really inquisitive and love to kiss.  We have had tour guides that have been so accommodating to us and then there are those that are rude and uncaring.  It has been a study in human nature being on Temple Square.

We were so happy to hear from Ron, Tressa’s soon to be husband.  We have tried to call and text her but she never has returned our calls.  As Ron called he told us she was a bit embarrassed about her situation and didn’t think she should call.  He told us that they are getting married in September and then after a repentance process she wants to be baptized.  We so look forward to that day, a chance to celebrate before we go home.  Also, we called Diane several times this week but because Taggart has been down we did not give her a lesson.  Her circumstance at the moment is very dire because many unfortunate things are going on in her life.  I know we give her comfort but we realize that the real comfort should come from the Lord.  Hopefully she will come unto Him in mighty prayer with great faith.

Husband/Wife and Buddies Forever

We celebrated our forty-sixth anniversary this week.  To honor this event we decided to go to the Roof Restaurant for dinner.  How fun it was to look over the city with the temple as the focal point and enjoy a delicious dinner.  Also, to be the Joseph Smith Memorial Building where we held our wedding reception was memorable.  

opefully they can always stay in touch because they have very similar personalities and H

Utah Salt Lake Temple Square Mission
June 8, 2014

Thank you Sisters
I knew on my birthday I was honored by all the sisters, so I figured on Taggart’s birthday he would be spoiled too.  As we left our apartment the door was decorated with messages of love and a text was sent out about his birthday to all the sisters.  So, everyone remembered him on his special day.  Of course at 8:00 am Avery called because it was her birthday too.  They had been calling each other every day in anticipation of their birthdays.  April met us for lunch and I was going to take him to the Cheesecake Factory but his back was really bothering him.  We’ll do it next week.  What a spoiled Elder, a day never to be forgotten.

Speaking of Taggart’s back it only continued to get worse throughout the week.  By Friday he was in so much pain that we went to Instant Care.  They said it looked like a spinal problem and referred us to the spinal clinic in Salt Lake.  Monday he will have his appointment.  Therefore for part of the week he just had to stay in bed and try to bear the pain.  We are hopeful that the clinic can help him so he can get back into the swing of things again.

The other senior couple, the Curtises, had to leave for an emergency at home this week in Arizona.  Therefore, we are all alone taking care of the hospitality tours.  With Taggart down it is going to be a difficult task if he doesn’t get some relief from his pain.  The tours are fun, but we are finding that so many people are coming to Temple Square that we don’t have enough senior couples to meet and greet.  I guess that is a wonderful position to be in….too many people to teach about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Many people were taught this week.  The sisters are so good at testifying and we have had many questions asked us.  One of the bus drivers we met this week was a new convert to the Church.  She uplifted me so much because she had such an enthusiasm for her new religion and she couldn’t believe that she was actually in Salt Lake City, the Church Headquarters.  Sometimes we take for granted what we really have, to be part of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We met Cesar for breakfast on Saturday and honored his birthday.  He is such a wonderful young man so eager to learn and grow.  Next month he can submit his missionary papers and he is so excited.  We can hardly wait to receive letters from him out in the field and see all the people he will touch on his mission.  He has certainly touched our life and we definitely consider him part of our family.

Utah Salt Lake Temple Square Mission
June 1, 2014

We had anticipated that we would have another office couple serving by now but we have heard of no new couples coming.  Because of that fact, we are still doing clean checks of the sister’s apartments.  Wednesday was clean check day and the sisters did a super job because only one apartment failed.  Some sisters have very nice apartments and others have run down ones.  Sometimes it is hard to judge because there is such a difference in their appearance.

LDS golfers who inspired our sister missionaries
On Thursday at Relief Society we had three pro-European women golfers talk to us.  They are all members of the church and have formed a charity to help those in Zimbabwe with cataract surgery and other needs these impoverished people have.  They were truly inspirational as they spoke to us.  They are confident that they joined forces because the spirit brought them together.  Just listening to these women brought tears to our eyes and a renewed commitment to be better disciples, to be more loving and giving.

We couldn’t believe the number of hospitality tours that occurred this week.  It almost seems like we are in the middle of summer instead of the beginning.  Between the two of us we would cover three tours at once, traveling here and there and everywhere.  We are grateful for all this activity because we are meeting so many good people from all over the world answering their questions and testifying of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Today we talked to Diane and we believe her heart is softening.  In fact, she said that when people ask her what religion she belongs to she says, “Mormon.”  We hope and pray that she can give way to the spirit testifying of truths that she struggles with.  We will call her again next week.

Utah Salt Lake Temple Square Mission
May 25, 2014

Our Beautiful Temple at Night
In writing the blog each week, I like to do it while I am on Temple Square.  I can attest to the fact that words flow more easily when I am sitting at the Beehive House or in the Tabernacle.  The spirit is there and I know I am touched by it while writing.  I guess if I were going to be a writer, I would want to have my office on Temple Square.

This week was mission tour week where Elder Don Clarke of the Seventy presented.  He was here last December.  Basically he gave the same instructions to the sisters however a singular event happened that touched everyone.  He asked those who never got mail to stand.  Seven sisters stood with tears running down their faces while all the other sisters in the auditorium cried as well.  It is amazing to us what these sisters sacrifice to come on a mission, giving up family and friends.  I think as a mission we are going to find families who will adopt these dear sisters so they can receive mail like everyone else. 

Memorial Day is on Monday and last week we went to Brigham City to put flowers on graves.  Today we are headed south to American Fork to honor my parents and grandparents.  “Music and the Spoken Word” was so touching today honoring those in the military who sacrificed their lives for our country.  They even honored those who were veterans by having them stand up.  Taggart was one of those fine military men who stood and I was so proud of him.  The music was fabulous and the concluding number “Battle Hymn of the Republic” gave us chills.  Also to make it even more memorable, we sat next to Senator Orrin Hatch and his family.  Taggart had quite the conversation with Mrs. Hatch and she seemed to be a delightful lady.
Music and the Spoken Word on Memorial Day

We wish we had more investigators, but we are finding ourselves trying to keep up with all of our other assignments.  Again this week, we were running here and there with Hospitality Tours.  However, we did talk to Diane.  Oh how we wish she would be accepting of the gospel and wouldn’t question everything.  We sometimes wonder if we are wasting time with her but she is so appreciative of our calls and looks forward to them every week.  We will continue and just keep praying for her.  Sometimes we wonder if we were put on Temple Square for Diane.  She needs this religion in her life!